Haha! A crazy day @ sentosa with GuoQing (National) & his roommate Bao Ge (so call)....
So so so so funny and dumb ... =.=
Shall post their unglam photo... Half naked photo too ... hahaha!!! Enjoy!!!
Above: Sentosa :)
Above: Some photo i took from their behind hahaha!!
Above: Half nake photo of "Bao Ge" together with idiot GuoQing blocking his face -_-""
Above: lst Photo... Being force to take by me! Hahaha!! After i capture, he smile.. "faints"
Above: 2nd time... He smile first but i didnt capture ... -_-""
Above: Last chance ... Finally Smile.... "Tire" -_-""
Note: All the individuals photo of GuoQing was being force to take by me !! Hahah !! 啦啦啦啦 !
As for the half nake roommate of his (GuoQing)... So high, he actually bought his swimming truck & towel @ the beach & went for a swim -_-"" Hahahahha!!!
Powerful sia!!!!
Woot... Shall stop here... Very Sleepy, gonna sleep soon!!!
~Signing off~
- HuiLeng aka MoMo-