Zoo Session & Dinner with secondary school friends. Erm can say is a pre 21st birthday celebration for me.
Firstly, we shall had a picnic at Zoo. In the morning we meet @8.50am @ amk interchange. However, all of us end up late, reach about 9++. We bought zoo ticket including boat ride and unlimitted tram ride @ $25.
Attendance for zoo session: XiuBin (mastermind of the trip), LiXin, Priscilla, Stacey, YiTing & Me.
We had so much fun in the zoo but a bit spoilt by the rain. Shall post a few of the photo, the rest in facebook.
Above: Picnic @ Zoo!! HaHa...Above: Tram Ride!
Above: Boat Ride @ Zoo
Above: Haha!! Lao cock cock photo! Black & White :)
Above: After the boat ride! Cheeze!!
Zoo close @ 6pm & we leave the zoo when it is close to its closing time. We went back to Kovan for dinner Nakhon Kitchen (Thai Food) ... Yummy... However, Stacey had a plan for that night so she didnt went with us ..
Attendance for Nakhon Kitchen: XiuBin, YiTing, LiXin, ShiQi, Priscilla & Me...
ShiQi meet us for dinner that night! The dinner treat was on me. Anyway, the foods are very nice. The price was consider reasonable too.
Above: Overall food .. Haha!!
Above: Cheeze!!
Above: Present from them ♥Balloon, Cake & a swatch watch♥
Thanks My Friends... Love u all lots!!
This is quote from XiuBin which I also feel the same :)
"♥ I quess, the true meaninq of friends lies in the quality and not thequantity. People who not only hanq out with you, but always there thru your ups and downs. ♥ "
~Signing off~
-HuiLeng aka MoMo-